The ninth edition of the ŻiguŻajg International Arts Festival for Children and Young People which has a jam-packed programme of 21 productions from 11 different countries was launched on Thursday.
Speaking at the launch at Spazju Kreattiv in Valletta, Culture Minister Owen Bonnici said that the festival was conceived to instil a love for creativity and the arts in children and young people, noting that the festival had only improved over the years.
He noted that the festival complements the Government’s strategy of making culture and the arts more accessible to everyone.
Festival Director Daniel Azzopardi said that the 2019 programme will consists of 21 projects – five of which were commissioned especially for the festival, and another five of which are co-productions with other public cultural entities – and nine creative forms, meaning that there will be no fewer than 10 premieres and 130 collaborating artists.
The festival will focus on topical issues including the environment, multiculturalism and integration, bullying, sexual identity, and young people’s role in society.
Fondazzjoni Kreattivita Chairman Rupert Cefai said that ZiguZajg will welcome over 8,000 schoolchildren this year and will continue with projects in Gozo so that students there will also have the opportunity to attend festival performances.
This is in line with ŻiguŻajg’s outreach programme that, apart from activities in Valletta and Gozo, will also see a touring show in schools as well as an allocation of tickets for minority groups, Cefai said.
ŻiguŻajg will run from 15 to 24 November 2019.. Booking for the Festival is now open. For more information and to book tickets visit www.ziguzajg.org.