HAZARD, Ky. (WYMT) – Festivities continued Friday at the 2019 Black Gold Festival in downtown Hazard.
Vendors lined the streets as thousands of people flocked to the Perry County town. One of those vendor’s being Ben’s Soft Pretzels.
“We got salted, cinnamon sugar, just whatever way you wanna do it. We’ve done it half and half. Some people wanted it salted and sweet, we can do that for you too. We’ve had a really good time here and it’s turning out pretty good, we’re really enjoying it,” said Jason Keller with Ben’s Soft Pretzels.
The smell of festival food filled the air and the sound of music playing could be heard echoing down the street.
Saturday at 8 p.m. the festival’s headliner, Walker Montgomery preforms.
“It’s fun, I like the carnival games, I just got a lemonade we went to those stands over there,” said 11-year-old Andrew Haddix, who frequents the festival every year.
At 11 a.m. on Saturday, the parade at the Black Gold Festival will kick off.