Diwali SA takes Festival of Lights online this year

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The Diwali SA Festival of Lights will return virtually for its 12th annual installment as a reminder to celebrate light over darkness during difficult times, including the current pandemic.

On November 7, participants can learn about San Antonio’s sister city relationship with Chennai, India, and Indian Culture through art, music, food and dance, all from the comfort of their own homes. The cultural side of the event will also include a plethora of activities, such as yoga, Bollywood Zumba, cooking, music and Kolam — a form of art using rice flour to create intricate designs in doorways.

Attendees will also be able to shop for Indian food, clothing, jewelry and more through online vendors. The festival is co-hosted by the City of San Antonio and partially funded by the Department of Arts and Culture.

Guests can participate via diwalisa.com, Facebook Live, Instagram Live and YouTube.

Free, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Saturday, November 7, various websites.

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