Jeff Charles On ‘I’m Right’ With Jesse Kelly

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On Monday, I appeared with conservative pundit Jesse Kelly on his show called “I’m Right,” on The First network. We discussed the conservative movement and how we should go forward after the election is decided.

Kelly asked me a very interesting question about whether or not conservatives living in blue areas like myself can actually make a difference, or if we just have to go along to get along. While I think the latter has truth for it, the former is starting to emerge, at least in Austin.

See my appearance below (fast forward to 34 minutes in if you don’t want to watch the whole segment):

Kelly and I also discussed how Republicans can make inroads in blue cities like Austin, Los Angeles, and others. Many on the right seem to believe this is impossible. Unfortunately, Democrats don’t have this same mindset and are working diligently to turn red states purple.

The reality is that since the GOP refuses to compete in blue areas, the belief that it can’t win over these voters becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy; If you refuse to try, you are ensuring that you will lose. If the presidential election does not go President Trump’s way, the GOP will need to assess where it went wrong and where it went right and reimagine its approach. Business as usual won’t cut it in the years to come. It’s time for a new Republican Party.


Let me know what you think in the comments below!

Follow me on Twitter: @JeffOnTheRight


See also  Is There a Post-Election Burnout?

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