Mayor Eric Garcetti Issues Revised “Safer At Home” Orders, Ensuring a “Hard Winter” for Many

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Parroting the “Dark Winter” scare tactics of the incoming Biden-Harris administration, Los Angeles Mayor Eric “Uselessness” Garcetti issued a “Targeted Safer At Home” order that supersedes the one issued in March, and revised in June.

Garcetti uses the lingo to try to sound reassuring, but “Together” means nothing to Mayor Uselessness. He has been in hiding out in a hidden bunker to avoid the BLM protests outside his recorded home. So, suck it up, you’re on your own.

“The prior “safer-at-home” order was withdrawn and superseded by the new one issued Wednesday, which is “necessary for the protection of life and property in the City of Los Angeles,” the order states. It largely mirrors the existing LA. County protocols that went into effect Monday.”

And in what universe has 12 pages of anything been considered “targeted”?

To go further, what is the “target”? Notice that this is no longer stated. We’ve gone from “15 Days to Slow the Spread” in March, to, “Just do what we say!” in December. Why is that?

This is a virus, and even with vaccine implementation (which will take a while) there will still be deaths. So, what is the goal that will be considered “safe”?

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Recent studies have shown minimal benefit to the lockdowns in slowing the spread of COVID‑19. So, why are Garcetti and the Democrats stuck on this being the method they use to control… the virus?

More troubling, why is 23 percent of ICU beds in use in Los Angeles alarming? I went on the Los Angeles Health Department’s COVID system dashboard yesterday, and that number was at 25 percent—so we have had a reduction of 2 percent in mere hours—can they bother to explain that?

Would they?

If things are getting worse, then why did the ICU numbers go down?

What do the models project will be the use in two weeks? At the end of the month?

When did a less than 15 percent case rate (out of 100,000), and a 2 percent death toll become close to a tipping point?

Since the models used by our “betters” have been pretty much DEAD WRONG for the last 9 months, people have a right to be skeptical.

The fact that the Director of LA County Health, “Crypt Keeper” Barbara Ferrer used old CDC science that was also not “targeted” to justify shutting down outdoor dining at restaurants, people have a right to be suspicious.

My colleague Brandon Morse puts a fine point on this:

“This virus is hardly the problem they make it out to be. The numbers say that the vast majority of us hardly suffer from the virus and yet we’re supposed to stay in any way…but not them. According to them, they can do as they please.

“So stay inside.


This attitude is reflective of how Mayor Uselessness chose to inform the 4.5 million constituents of Los Angeles city that he was instituting this “targeted” Safer-At-Home order. In the lengthy press conference he held to update everyone about how horrible the situation has become, he did not mention that the revised “Safer At Home” provisions were in effect two days prior.

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“Email and text alerts from the city’s NotifyLA System also went out Wednesday, although the mayor’s deputy press secretary, Harrison Wollman, said the guidance has been in place for days.”

Is that so? Then, why didn’t Mayor Uselessness direct “Angelenos” to the website via tweet on Monday or in the press conference?

“L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti held a briefing just two hours earlier but did not mention the new rules.”

Hear that, plebes? Just OBEY.

If Twitter is any indication of real life, there will be those who continue with business as usual. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, and many of us won’t be fooled again. Not if we expect to maintain our lives and our liberty.

Despite Garcetti and his party’s efforts to shred it to pieces, the Constitution still exists, and they know this; which is why they are pushing so hard to try make you forget that fact.

This is probably the most ridiculous and tragic sentence in 12 pages of diktats:

“Those experiencing homelessness are exempt from the requirement to stay in their homes.”

So, problem solved. Declare yourself homeless and do what you want. This controlled destruction by our elected officials is doing its best to make it a reality.

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