Joe Biden’s Threat to Restrict Travel to Florida Is Stupid, Illegal and Counterproductive but...

The story first surfaced earlier in the week when it was made known that the big tough guy in the White House was going to show Florida Governor...

Temperatures rise slightly for Sliver Skate Festival attendees

EDMONTON -- The longest running winter festival in Edmonton has transformed Hawrelak Park into a winter...

Trump Delivers a Very Trumpian Response to Acquittal, Dem House Managers Left in Tears

At this point, it seems that President Donald Trump is like the Phoenix, always rising from the ashes, and prevailing despite whatever is thrown at him by the...

Following Acquittal, Mitch McConnell Absolutely Unloads on Donald Trump

I’m thinking Mitch McConnell isn’t much of a fan of Donald Trump anymore? After McConnell voted twice to scuttle Trump’s impeachment trial and then eventually voted to acquit him...

How Should Christians Respond To Ravi Zacharias’ Sexual Misconduct Allegations?

  How should Christians respond when one of their most renowned leaders is revealed to have led a disturbing double life? It is a question that many followers of...