An anti-vegan protester who travels the world eating raw pieces of animal flesh was kicked out of his school for stabbing four students, metro.co.uk can reveal.
YouTuber Gatis Lagzdins, better known as Sv3rige, recently brought his ‘carnivore’ tour to the UK, devouring a raw squirrel in London and a pig’s head in Brighton.
It has now emerged that in 2006, a 16-year-old Gatis armed himself with two knives and attacked classmates at his school in Latvia.
He stabbed and injured two boys and a girl inside his classroom, and attacked a third boy as he ran for safety, according to reports.
Latvian police said they found him sitting in front of a computer after the attack with the two knives beside him.
All four victims were taken to hospital where they were treated for light injuries.
He remained anonymous in reports at the time and claimed he was ‘influenced by a movie’, while his headmistress, Parsla Kopmane, said he had a ‘craze for computer games’.
Ms Kopmane is still in charge of the school, Ventspils Gymnasium No 1, and identified Gatis from a video of his latest protest at the Soho Vegan Market.
She told metro.co.uk: ‘Yes, Gatis Lagzdins has studied in our school, Ventspils Gymnasium No 1.
‘However, after the incident in 2006, when he attacked his schoolmates with a knife, he left the school.
‘From the video you sent I can confirm that the person is our ex-student Gatis Lagzdins.’
Gatis has created 460 videos on his channel, but he says he can’t ‘monetize’ his content so he asks his 68,000 followers for donations.
Aside from the publicity-hungry and stomach-churning stunts, he often shares clips of his troubling and racist views.
In one video, he says he realised he only ‘feels at home’ when he’s around ‘white people’.
He said: ‘My recent trip to Ukraine made me realise that after eight years of living in Germany, as a Latvian, I still don’t feel at home here.
‘I felt more at home in three days of being in Ukraine than I ever did here, why?’
He added: ‘It’s because 99 per cent of the people I was surrounded by in the Ukraine were white, like me.
‘At last I felt like I belonged. It’s the same in Latvia with the exception of some gypsies, and those are outcasts, and that’s natural because most people there are white.’
He also revealed himself to be a Flat Earther in another video.
‘People of the religion of scientism believe the earth is round,’ he said.
‘There’s proof that it’s not so and they still believe it. This proves that the scientism is a deeper form of deception than Christianity.’
His latest anti-vegan stunt in Soho didn’t last long as he was dragged away in handcuffs and arrested while his followers filmed every moment.
Before the protest, Gatis said his mission was to help ‘malnourished vegans’ but he ended up freaking out meat eaters instead.
With a necklace made from a dead woodcock bird around his neck, he began tucking into the furry rodent in the middle of the food stands.
Shocked passer-bys shouted ‘what the f*** is going on’ as they came across the protest just a stone’s throw from Shaftesbury Avenue.
Many got their phones out to film him, with one asking him: ‘Why are you doing this? I eat meat, but I don’t do this.’
He tried to explain that he was there to raise awareness of the dangers of not eating meat and the vegan diet.
But another passer-by replied: ‘You eating raw animals doesn’t prove anything.’
The Vegan Society slammed his claims, saying it is ‘perfectly possible’ to get all the nutrients you need as a vegan.
Spokeswoman Dominika Piasecka told metro.co.uk: ‘We regret that this individual feels the need to protest against a compassion-driven lifestyle that simply aims to reduce animal suffering and exploitation.
‘On the upside, many non-vegans were inevitably disgusted by his actions, which graphically raised awareness about how our food choices harm animals.
‘It is perfectly possible to get all the nutrients your body needs as a vegan; the British Dietetic Association shares the message that vegan diets are suitable for people of all ages and life stages.’
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