The Ghost of Ray Mabus Still Haunts the US Navy

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Who is Ray Mabus? Just the worst Secretary of the Navy in modern US history. Oh, and he “served” Obama for 8 years, too. He is directly responsible for implementing destructive social engineering policies throughout the Navy during his tenure, which led to a lack of accountability by Navy leaders throughout the chain of command, a politicization of the Navy Judge Advocate General corps, decreased military readiness, and lower morale. Here are his two signature personnel policies, as noted in this 2017 Navy Times article:

Mabus, the soft-spoken former g​overnor of Mississippi, was one of the loudest voices in the department calling for the 2011 repeal of the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy that made gay service members keep quiet about their sexual orientation or face discharge. More recently, he was a forceful advocate for the Pentagon’s decision last year to integrate women into combat roles in both the Navy and the Marine Corps.

Many commentators, including former naval officers with direct experience, have written about Mabus’s destructive policies. Here are a few excerpts from an article by retired COL Gary Anderson, USMC (Ret’d), published by Small Wars Journal to give you an idea of Mabus’s horrible legacy:

The Mabus priorities have been making the naval services more caring, inclusive, and environmentally protective. Discipline, combat effectiveness, and readiness have been secondary goals at best. Under Mabus, the Navy has sunk to readiness levels approaching those of the post-Vietnam Carter era. The breakdown of the appropriately named USS Zumwalt in the Panama Canal late last year is symbolic of Mabus and his “Great Green Fleet” concept. Zumwalt was arguably the worst Chief of Naval Operations in history. His namesake ship has been a disaster. Its main gun fires a round that is so expensive that it cannot be used in training, and would be ineffective in supporting sustained land operations, which is one of its primary missions.

The disgraceful conduct of sailors captured by the Iranians last year, and the incompetence of seamanship that led to the incident, are a direct reflection of the misplaced priorities of the Department of the Navy under Mabus. The fact that the Marine Corps has remained an effective military organization is primarily due to the moral courage of Marine Corps leaders who challenged Mabus and his extreme social experimentation at its worst when he attempted to integrate male and female units at the Marine Corps’ two recruit training establishments (Boot Camps).

During Mabus’s tenure, there was a rash of firings of commanding officers and other senior leaders, as well as ship collisions in the Western Pacific resulting in loss of life. There has been some progress made in “righting the ship” over the past couple of years, including shining the spotlight on the disgraceful performance of the Navy JAG Corps in the handling of SOC Eddie Gallagher’s case. However, it would appear that the implementation of destructive personnel policies continues unabated.

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Recently, a former colleague and longtime pal sent me an email sent by the Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel (N1) at Commander, Naval Surface Force US Pacific Fleet. The mission of “SURFPAC,” as noted on their public website, is to “Man, Train, and equip the Surface Force to provide Fleet Commanders with credible naval power to control the sea and project power ashore.” All Navy surface ships that deploy to the Western Pacific and the Arabian Gulf from the US Pacific Fleet are “manned, trained, and equipped” by SURFPAC. The SURFPAC N1 is responsible for personnel and administration policy implementation by surface ships under SURFAC’s administrative command. The email from the N1 directed commands to review and remove “gender pronouns and other outdated gender assumptions” from all instructions and official issuances. Here is the email:

From: [Name and email address redacted] SURFPAC ACOS N1

Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Subject: Review of Unit-level Policies for Gender Neutrality **DUE NLT COB 13 FEBRUARY 2020 **


We have been tasked to conduct an ALL CNSP (Afloat and Ashore) review of unit-level policies to remove gender pronouns and other outdated gender-based assumptions (e.g., she/her/her/herself or he/him/his/himself, etc.).  Instructions and official issuances that contain these terms may be considered institutionally biased and may affect inclusion in the One Navy Team.

ACTION:   Review every issuance (instructions, notices, policies, etc.).  If gender pronouns consist of greater than 15% of the issuance, an immediate rewrite is warranted.  If an issuance does not meet this benchmark but does contain gender pronouns, said gender pronouns should be removed or replaced with gender neutral language at the next scheduled update of the Instruction, Notice or Policy.

Reporting Requirements – ISICs should provide consolidated information for all subordinate units, containing the following data via email to POC [Name and email redacted]


2) Total # of instructions, notices, policies reviewed;

3) Total number reviewed that reflect greater than 15% gender pronouns and requiring immediate re-write;

Please report completion NLT COB Thursday, February 13, 2020 to meet higher level reporting requirements.

Very respectfully,

[Name redacted]

Apparently, the US Navy continues to subordinate human biological science to the absurd political whims of the Left, just as Ray Mabus initiated years ago. Note these two phrases excerpted from the above email: “We were tasked,” and “to meet higher level reporting requirements.” What lunatic Mabus holdover directed this action? I wonder why this wasn’t promulgated as an “ALNAV” (all-Navy directive), or was this a lower-level “command initiative”? Regardless, everyone is apparently supposed to drop everything and review and rewrite all command instructions within 30 days to meet this absurd and nonsensical requirement.

This is PC run amok and will result in nothing short of an endorsement of mental disorders in official Navy instructions. Looks like there’s a lot more house-cleaning needed at senior levels in the US Navy.

The end.



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