They Must’ve Been on It: South Dakota’s Anti-Meth Campaign is as Hilarious – and Awful

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On Monday, South Dakota launched its new anti-meth campaign. The new effort to keep people off the Breaking Bad goodness will grace billboards, posters, television, and the web.

Broadhead Co. — a Minneapolis-based marketing and advertising agency — created the campaign.

Still, since Governor Kristi Noem commissioned it, I say consider the endeavor another government job well done.

Also, my congratulations to the taxpayers: So far this year, the state’s Department of Social Services has handed the agency just under $449,000.

If that seems high, there’s good news: As per South Dakota’s contract with Broadhead — which expires May 31st, 2020 — payment shouldn’t exceed $1.4 million.

As for the marketing angle, hopefully Gov. Krisit is pleased as punch. In a public service announcement, she lamented that SD’s meth crisis is “growing at an alarming rate.”


“This is our problem and together, we need to get on it.”




they’re on it:

“Meth. I’m on It” = 4 words.

$449,000 ÷ 4 = $112,250 per word.

If only I could get paid that much to write for RedState…the first sentence of this article would be worth more than their campaign.

But then again, so is a clipped toenail.

Back to that punch-pleased idea, courtesy of

[The governor] declared the campaign a success because the mission of the campaign was to raise awareness and get people talking about being part of the solution, not just the problem, when it comes to the state’s meth epidemic.

The campaign is doing that, she said in a statement on Monday afternoon. She added that they hope to emphasize that meth is an issue that affects everyone. Meth isn’t someone else’s problem, and it’s critical that fighting meth and extending hope to meth users becomes a part of daily conversations, she said.


“This a bold, innovative effort like the nation has never before seen,” she said.

She’s not wrong.

Here’s the thinking:

In its proposal, Broadhead says the tagline “I’m on Meth” will create “a movement for all South Dakotans to take an active role in keeping their state a great place to live.”

So that’s about it.

Enjoy the extravaganza:


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