NORWAY, Mich. (WLUC) – Everyone has the chance to be a Viking October 11 through 13.
The 27th annual Leif Erikson festival is Friday through Sunday in Norway.
On Friday, there is an invitational art exhibit at the Jake Menghini Museum. The festivities continue with a parade on Main Street as well as food booths, Viking re-enactors, blacksmith demonstrations and more.
This is a perfect time to celebrate the Viking heritage and history said Carol Sundstrom, a Leif Erikson Festival Committee Member.
“It’s a wonderful family event and it’s educational for the kids, too. There will be so many Viking demonstrations going on and I love to just see the community gather and bond, it’s just such a fun atmosphere,” she said.
For more information on event times visit the Leif Erikson Website at http://leiferiksonfest.com/.