Who’s Running the Asylum? House Democrat Urges Biden to Declare ‘White Supremacy’ a ‘National Security Threat’

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No, this is not from a sick version of the satire site Babylon Bee.

California Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Twilight Zone) has sent a letter to Joe Biden urging him to issue an executive order identifying white supremacy as a threat to national security.

Let’s go through that one more time — just to make sure we got it right the first time.

California Democrat Rep. Jackie Speier sent a letter to Biden urging him to issue an executive order identifying white supremacy as a threat to national security.

Yep — we read it right the first time.

Speier, who chairs the House Armed Services Military Personnel subcommittee, also pushed federal agencies to screen military recruits and those seeking government security clearances for ties to violent extremism on social media, as reported by Reuters.

In her letter to Biden, dated Friday, which she also addressed to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and the Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines, Speier claimed she was “alarmed” by “this growing threat,” and that the U.S. government and the Department of Defense are not effectively screening servicemembers.

“Social media platforms…are frequently used by domestic terrorist groups to recruit members and plan violent attacks… yet social media is not reviewed during the military’s accessions process or even as part of the background investigation process for security clearances.”

Speier posted a press release on her congressional website, headlined — in bold red font:

Chair Speier calls on President Biden, Defense Secretary Austin, and DNI Haines to Review Social Media to Detect White Supremacy and Violent Extremism among Applicants for Security Clearances, Military Enlistees

She wrote, in part:

“The Fiscal Year 2021 National Defense Authorization Act includes provisions to improve tracking and reporting of white-supremacist and violent-extremist activities by servicemembers and to establish a Deputy Inspector General responsible, in part, for monitoring and evaluating DoD’s response to these threats.

“But these actions are not nearly enough. At the insistence of President Trump, the conferees dropped my provision to create a standalone violent extremism offense under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, despite DoD’s support for this policy change.

“Perhaps most importantly, DoD and the U.S. Government at large are not effectively screening servicemembers and other individuals with sensitive roles for white-supremacist and violent-extremist ties.

Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Gab, Parler, and 4Chan, are frequently used by domestic terrorist groups to recruit members and plan violent attacks, including in some of the above cases involving military servicemembers.

[You see what’s happening here, right?]

These platforms were crucial for planning the January 6, 2021, domestic terrorist attack upon the U.S. Capitol and the Congress of the United States.

[Refresh my memory: did Speier and her Democrat comrades ever refer to months of real rioting and domestic terror by Black Lives Matter Marxists and Antifa anarchists as “domestic terrorism”? Yeah, I didn’t think so; thanks.]

“Yet social media is not reviewed during the military’s accessions process or even as part of the background investigation process for security clearances, despite collection and reporting of other intrusive, private data, such as financial and behavioral health information.”

[Again, see what they’re planning, next?]

You can read the letter Speier sent to Biden & Co. here.

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As to be expected, Reuters no doubt picked the most “threatening” image they could find for this tweet — replete with the requisite Confederate flag, AR-15, and tear gas.

Biden in late January directed his administration to conduct a full assessment of the risk of domestic terrorism. The assessment is to be carried out by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in coordination with the FBI and DHS.

“Biden orders assessment of domestic extremism risk, White House says – Reuters This is a sound decision, considering America has suffered far more violence under right-wing domestic terrorism than from any foreign entity.”

Um — guys? You left a “few people” out of your “either, or” silliness. But I’m sure you just “forgot” about Black Lives Matter Marxists and Antifa anarchists, right?

Just for grins, here’s what White House Press Secretary Jen “Circle Back” Psaki and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) had to say about Biden’s order at the time.

“Circle Back”: “The January 6 assault on the Capitol and the tragic deaths and destruction that occurred underscored what we all know: The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat.”

Schiff for brains, the Democrat chair of the House Intelligence Committee, said it was “critical” that the Biden administration appeared to be prioritizing the threat of domestic terrorism.” In particular, far-right, white supremacist extremism, nurtured on online platforms, has become one of the most dangerous threats to our nation.”

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Could the hypocrisy be more blatant?

“In particular, far-right, white supremacist extremism.”  The “tragic deaths and destruction” of the “January 6 assault.” Really? Minneapolis, Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington, D.C., the list goes on. Burning, looting, torching police cars, at least one child killed, random police officers shot and killed. Where you then, Shifty?

“Circle Back”? Did you take to social media to condemn the months-long “death and destruction”? Of course, you didn’t. Know why?

Because the real chaos and real rioters flew in the face of the Democrat narrative.



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