Racine: International PEEPS Art Exhibit. Marvel at the colorful and sugary art created from marshmallows on display at the Racine Art Museum opening April 11. The exhibit is on display through April 28 and features two-dimensional paintings, works on paper, and 3D sculptures. ramart.org
Manitowoc: Great Spirit Comedy Festival. Laugh the night away and help local charities April 12-13. The event features multiple national and regional comics each night, such as Beth Hoyt, Johnny Beehner, Adam Cayton-Holland and Chris Marrs. greatspiritcomedy.com
Kohler: Libations of Spring. Let Kohler chefs and mixologists be your guide during two days of beer and spirits tastings April 12-13. Enjoy tastings and beer dinners and discover new food pairings for your next summer party. americanclubresort.com
Madison: Midwest Gourd Fest. Talk with gourd artists, growers and educators at the Olbrich Botanical Gardens April 13. The Wisconsin Gourd Society hosts this family friendly event with activities and classes for all ages. wisconsingourdsociety
Kenosha: Dairy State Cheese & Beer Festival. The Brat Stop hosts a full day of Wisconsin cheeses, beer and music April 13. The event benefits the Boys & Girls Club of Kenosha and features cheese to taste, beer samplings from over 45 breweries and three local home brew societies. kenoshabeerfest.com
Read or Share this story: https://www.jsonline.com/story/travel/2019/04/07/wisconsin-food-drink-vegetable-and-comedy-festivals-and-more-do-around-wisconsin-week-peeps-gourds/3343496002/